Sunday, August 01, 2010

So apathetic I don't even worry about being apathetic.

No wonder I'm thinking less these days. It saddens me, but I'm not worried. I'm just curious to know how i became like that all of a sudden and what might happen to me. I can see myself accepting whatever mistakes made, whatever bad character traits, not bothering about what people might think.

The strange thing is, I see myself having better values than before in certain aspects. Is this apathy, or just myself losing that mask of consciousness? I shouldn't be dwelling on the negative aspects of this apathy, perhaps its the only way I can jump out of this entire issue about being too conscious and move on.

Digressing, I realized it isn't because I hate being at home that I felt like a loser for going straight home after will run yesterday. I just felt like a loser because nobody invited me out or anything.

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